Annual Meeting Reminder

This is a post to remind TCRMA members that our Annual Meeting will be held next week on Wed. September 9 at 6PM at Ft. Ellis Fire Station, 3725 Bozeman Trail Road. This meeting will be held outdoors and members are encouraged to bring their own chairs and follow current social distancing guidelines. In addition to annual road dues invoices that were mailed on Aug. 31, members will receive copies of documents to be presented at the annual meeting including current financials, a 2021 budget, and a spreadsheet of current and future road maintenance projects. Matt Ulberg, Montana Local Technical Assistance Program Director, MSU will be presenting at the meeting a detailed summary of issues he recommends we address to maintain and preserve our community road system. A summary of this presentation has been posted to our community website under TCRMA > Road Maintenance Reviews > TCRMA LTAP Road Assessment 2020. You must be a registered owner and logged in to view this presentation. If you have issues registering or logging in please contact Karen Cox via TEXT at 406-223-3871. Thank you.

New Documents Posted 9/1/2020

The following documents have been posted to If you are a property owner you must register and log in through the Login/Out page on to access these documents. (This is separate from subscribing to emails). If you are having trouble registering please contact Karen via TEXT at 406-223.3871. All documents are accessed from the TCRMA tab:
+ New!! Road Maintenance Reviews page
+ 6/30/20 Balance Sheet and Financial Statements
+ Updated Delinquent Road Dues list
+ Updated Property Owners List
+ Board Minutes

* Thank you*

Road Work on High Ridge and Sundown Rds.

High Ridge slump will be fixed 8/10. We request people access High Ridge from the top of Woodchuck to allow the work to be completed as efficiently as possible. The road will be marked as construction in progress but not closed other than while Andy is dropping trees or for short periods of time.

Sundown will be ditched to improve drainage near the Winchester intersection. Grading and gravel will also be completed in bad spots on Sundown. This will be done mid-week and will not close the road but care coming around the corners is requested.

Please contact Pete Moncada 843/696-3089 or Ann Kieffaber 203/524-6453 if you have any questions regarding these projects. Thank you

Culvert Work on Woodchuck, Rifle, and Clear Springs Rds.

The TCRMA Board will be working with contractors to replace or install culverts on our community roads this week. On Wednesday, 8/5 a culvert will be installed on lower Woodchuck. This culvert will be installed in sections and will cause no interruption to traffic. On Thursday, 8/6 a crushed culvert on Clear Springs Rd. will be replaced and on Friday, 8/7 a culvert on lower Rifle Rd will be replaced. These two projects will begin at approx. 9AM and will require temporary closure of the roadway. Please contact Pete Moncada 843/696-3089 or Ann Kieffaber 203/524-6453 if you have any specific questions or concerns regarding these projects. Thank you

TCRMA Annual Meeting & 2021 Dues

The TCRMA annual meeting will be held Wed. Sept. 9, 2020 at Fort Ellis Fire Dept. at
6 PM. Fort Ellis Fire Dept. is located at 3725 Bozeman Trail Road. Members are encouraged to attend the annual meeting at the beginning of September to hear a presentation by Matt Ulberg, Montana Local Technical Assistance Program Director, MSU. Matt is an expert on gravel roads and has recently completed a survey of our roads and presented the Board with a detailed summary of issues he recommends we address to maintain and preserve our community road system. The meeting will be held outdoors in the parking lot of the station. We ask that members please practice social distancing guidelines and come prepared with your own chair.
The TCRMA Board emailed on 7/30 the above notice of the annual meeting as well as a notice that fees will be increasing to $1000/lot to all members for whom we have an email on file. If we do not have an email on file, the notice was mailed via USPS. If you believe you are on our email list but did not receive an email titled: TCRMA Notice of Annual Meeting & 2021 Dues, please contact the TCRMA Board at Thank you.

Noxious Weed Spraying Delayed until Sunday, July 26

Due to very wet conditions in our neighborhood this morning and possible thunderstorms again this afternoon, noxious weed spraying will be postponed until Sunday, July 26. Young’s Tree & Forestry will begin on lower Woodchuck. Thank you for your patience, please call Holly if you have any questions. (406)580-7117

Weed Spraying Delayed until Friday, July 24

Due to forecast thunderstorms tomorrow afternoon, noxious weed spraying will be delayed until Friday, July 24th. Young’s Tree and Forestry will begin along lower Woodchuck. Please drive carefully and be on the lookout for workers along the roadside. Thank you